Tuesday 26 October 2010

MOULD - 500 meter of fungi features

"Mould is a research project into bringing products alive, literally. Mould can refer to a type of fungus or a framework to make an object, and in this case it's both. A fungus is mixed with cotton fibers and placed in a mold where it starts to grow. After two weeks the fungus has formed a strong web of mycelium and the design can be harvested. In this case not only flowers can be alive, but also the vase itself"


THE SHOP - grupa + cpu + royal college of art

"The Shop is a dislocated platform of CPU (re-use center) taking place at the Bienale of Industrial design BIO22 in Ljubljana. The project is managed by MAs from the Royal College of Art in London and by the members of GRUPA.

The Shop is divided into several parts: the studio - is a base for developing new models of renewed use and scenarios for future consumption,
the workshop - is where we collect used items and refurbish them for future use.
In the exchange center - we swap our items and research work for the visitors' old items or services.
The lecture center - is where our guest designers present their projects."

"(GRUPA) is creative group of friends. We work for the people. We want to influence their habits. In the society and space we act as directors. In the process we collaborate with the local inhabitants who are experts in specific areas, therefore the first source of information for our research, and also contributors to collective solutions. We form interactions. We work locally. We work by collaborations and want to establish a friendly relationship with everyone involved. We want to take part in finding solutions to social problems. We use workshops, installations, interventions and products for research, collaboration, communication and persuasion."

So basically, you take a piece of old furniture or an old object you're not using anymore to the shop, where it is being redesigned and reused, in exchange the artists offer you an either redesigned and refurnished object or their service and their time.

for more info check: GRUPA


LUNA/TBWA is the advertizing agency behind the Orto.si latest tapeart campaign. Orto.si is a service that the Slovenian mobile provider Simobil is offering to the young up to 26th year. But with this last campaign Orto.si got to live a life of its own, thanks to the tapeart videos and a website launched a couple of months ago. The idea is to bring the Orto.si service to the young, be young, capture the youth and the hype. And it doesn't get as hype, young and urban as tapeart. The videos were made with the help of young urban and streetart collectives that taped various city surfaces with their art and show it in a video.

you can now 3d print, promote and sell your product in one place

Shapeways.com is the place that can do all that for you. you can create your own designer profile on shapeways, you then upload your design to shapeways, their designers then check if your design is 3d printable. Then you get an estimate of how much the production of your product will cost, to which you add your own valued price. The great thing is, that you don't need to invest money into production, you basically pay for the first 3d printed design to check it for quality etc., customers can browse your designer profile on shapeways and order your designs, shapeways will 3d print them and charge them for the price you're asking, deduct the basic production cost from it and the rest goes into your pocket. It's brilliant, especially for young and starting designers and a nice way to test out your design.
They can do 3d print in:
plated gold
antique bronze
stainless steel


Tuesday 28 September 2010

tilt-shift photography

From Wikipedia: "Tilt-shift photography" refers to the use of camera movements on small- and medium-format cameras, and sometimes specifically refers to the use of tilt for selective focus, often for simulating a miniature scene.


 Vincent Laforet

 City Shrinker

I really love it, so i dug out a software that helps you getting the effect, tadaaa: Alien Skin - Bokeh 2


A project incorporating menswear, womenswear, books and music with high quality content and brands including Rick Owens, Damir Doma, Raf Simons and Levis Vintage Clothing

luv the Rick Owens jacket

Jean Michel Basquiat: Drawings - Signed and Numbered

the bike shelf

My flatmate has gotten a new bike, the third this year, two were stolen and he decided enough is enough so the new one he is bringing upstairs, leaving it in the halway. All swell, but the darn bike keeps sliding down the wall, or I kick it in the morning on my way to the kitchen, or the other flatmate falls over it, making noize, waking me up. I am getting annoyed, so I was looking for a solution to hang the darn bike on the wall or store it in a different way. And lookey here, this is what I found, supercool solution, plus it's multifunctional, funky idea, Chris Brigham's BIKE SHELF!

... and you get that extra space to either place keys, phones, mail or whatnot on it. Our halway is screaming for a shelf like this!


what i still want for X-mass! Anyone?!

I have started working on my minor Products & Concepts first project. Design a give-away present that the community of Schiedam gives away as a representative gift. We had the option to design either for children and schools visiting Schiedam or the more prominent visitors, like mayors from other communities etc., i decided to go for the latter. Schiedam has been building and spreading and now the communitiy wants to refer to its history again, but in a newer, more modern way. So I decided to reinterpret the cliches in a new way.
The first object that came to mind as inspiration was Oooms Milkmaid Dildo, an object designed for the Dutch Souvenir Project combining tradition, hence the delftblue, inspired by Vermeer's Het Melkmeisje painting, brought together into a somewhat provocative shape of a dildo. I love it, because it has humor and still looks like a beautiful Dutch traditional delftblue object. I guess the fact it took a shape of a dildo also makes sense to me as Holland is fairly liberal when it comes to prostitution and sex, with sex museums, brothels and prostitute shop-windows. It is referring to cliches in a funny and new way.

http://www.oooms.nl/the-milkmaid/ - in case anyone is wondering what to get me for X-mass, I've been wanting this since quite a while now! Please, thank you!

P.S. As on how my minor project is developing, more some other time in some other post.

SOUTH - SOUTHEAST, 1.10 - 31.10 2010, Ljubljana, Slovenia

"What is the identity of southeastern fashion design and fashion designers? Is it the geographical term of Southeastern Europe, cultural differences, social and economic categories, stereotypes, boarders that exist and boarders that are vanishing? Is it the nostalgic view on the eastern bloc, the transitional mix of post-communism or a reflexion of a modern eastern Europe? All this and more!
We are presenting established, contemporary, avantguard, conceptual and trendy Croatian, Polish, Latvian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Serbian, Czech, Bosnian, Romanian, Ukranian and Slovenian fashion designers."

This is what the introduction text says, about the fashion exhibition takingplace in Ljubljana next month. An interesting concept, to present, unite and advertise young designers from eastern Europe. I like the concept of the bringing together.
Here are a few of the designers exhibiting:

 Aida Korman/ Bosnia


 Etna Maar/ Croatia

 Hypnosis/ Latvia

 JSP/ Serbia

 Manitas/ Slovenia

 Manufaktura cdR/ Serbia

 Miro Design/ Slovenia

 Niiro/ Slovenia

 Ninaluba/ Slovenia

 Pure, Aga Paul/ Poland

 Tine Kozjak/ Slovenia

ZOFA/ Latvia

what it's all about

I cannot avoid blogging as it's an obligatory part of school work, so I might aswell use it as a platform to show you what I stumble upon while browsing the allmighty WWW and dump all things inspiring, shocking, creative or things I anyhow find interesting. It's difficult to make an inspiration page solely out of images, as I draw inspiration out of so many things, may it be books, films, music, art, sometimes even crappy jokes people make in bars. So I guess this is it, here we go!