Tuesday 28 September 2010

what i still want for X-mass! Anyone?!

I have started working on my minor Products & Concepts first project. Design a give-away present that the community of Schiedam gives away as a representative gift. We had the option to design either for children and schools visiting Schiedam or the more prominent visitors, like mayors from other communities etc., i decided to go for the latter. Schiedam has been building and spreading and now the communitiy wants to refer to its history again, but in a newer, more modern way. So I decided to reinterpret the cliches in a new way.
The first object that came to mind as inspiration was Oooms Milkmaid Dildo, an object designed for the Dutch Souvenir Project combining tradition, hence the delftblue, inspired by Vermeer's Het Melkmeisje painting, brought together into a somewhat provocative shape of a dildo. I love it, because it has humor and still looks like a beautiful Dutch traditional delftblue object. I guess the fact it took a shape of a dildo also makes sense to me as Holland is fairly liberal when it comes to prostitution and sex, with sex museums, brothels and prostitute shop-windows. It is referring to cliches in a funny and new way.

http://www.oooms.nl/the-milkmaid/ - in case anyone is wondering what to get me for X-mass, I've been wanting this since quite a while now! Please, thank you!

P.S. As on how my minor project is developing, more some other time in some other post.

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