Tuesday 28 September 2010

SOUTH - SOUTHEAST, 1.10 - 31.10 2010, Ljubljana, Slovenia

"What is the identity of southeastern fashion design and fashion designers? Is it the geographical term of Southeastern Europe, cultural differences, social and economic categories, stereotypes, boarders that exist and boarders that are vanishing? Is it the nostalgic view on the eastern bloc, the transitional mix of post-communism or a reflexion of a modern eastern Europe? All this and more!
We are presenting established, contemporary, avantguard, conceptual and trendy Croatian, Polish, Latvian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Serbian, Czech, Bosnian, Romanian, Ukranian and Slovenian fashion designers."

This is what the introduction text says, about the fashion exhibition takingplace in Ljubljana next month. An interesting concept, to present, unite and advertise young designers from eastern Europe. I like the concept of the bringing together.
Here are a few of the designers exhibiting:

 Aida Korman/ Bosnia


 Etna Maar/ Croatia

 Hypnosis/ Latvia

 JSP/ Serbia

 Manitas/ Slovenia

 Manufaktura cdR/ Serbia

 Miro Design/ Slovenia

 Niiro/ Slovenia

 Ninaluba/ Slovenia

 Pure, Aga Paul/ Poland

 Tine Kozjak/ Slovenia

ZOFA/ Latvia

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